Foundations in Kingdom Ministry


part of The Peoples' Seminary

This gathering is for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible, going deeper in relationship with God the Father, learning how to pray for others, and exploring what it means to follow Jesus, and perform ministry in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Paul instructs the leaders of the church to equip the saints for the works of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until we all attain unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

As we prepare for the Kingdom Ministry of Jesus, it is critical that we lay the right foundation. This takes time and intention and is so important for what gets built on top of it. A bad foundation leads to an unstable structure. We want to be clear about what we believe about the love of God the Father, Jesus as Savior and Friend of Sinners, and the need of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do the works Jesus did. If we have unhealthy or immature views of God, whatever is in us will come out. Our Foundations in Kingdom Ministry sessions gather people from all walks of life to explore and grow in the good work that's already waiting for us in the Holy Spirit. Together, we seek to better find, serve, and walk with our brothers and sisters on the margins. Join us.


Let us know you’re coming or ask us a question.



February 5 Coming Under the Waters of Our Baptism / Pastor Kevin Riley

February 12 Who is Jesus? / Danielle Riley

February 19 The Love of the Father / Pastor Mike Neelley

February 26 The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit / Pastor Bob Ekblad

March 4 How God Speaks to Us / Pastor Gracie Ekblad

TO BE RESCHEDULED: Peer Mentor Training with Family Promise

TO BE RESCHEDULED: Peer Mentor Training with Family Promise

TO BE RESCHEDULED: The Foundation of God's Word - Bible Basics / Andrew Lewis
