
Ernesto and Mary Lee "Lee" recently planted Fire House Refuge, a house church in the Lake City neighborhood of Seattle.

Their mission is to bring the good news of Jesus’ liberating truth to communities and subcultures that are largely unreached. They feel especially called to marginalized youth, those living on the streets, artists, and refugees. They regularly do outreach and walk alongside the people in those communities. 

Lee has been a bgirl (breakdancer)/ hip hop dancer since 2001, using her dance as a vehicle for youth mentorship, and sharing the good news in the Seattle street dance community. This includes teaching classes, attending and hosting practice sessions, and competing. 

Ernesto has worked with refugees in the Middle East and performed mission work in Africa and Spain. He also worked in partnership with Jesus Culture and his local church in Sacramento to run a worship activation gathering, training people to operate in their spiritual gifts.

Ernesto and Lee’s goal is to build up disciples in a low threshold worshiping community where they are embraced into family and equip them to spread the gospel in their own spheres of influence.
